Changes to boat registration stickers
Registration labels will no longer be required on Queensland registered boats and personal watercraft from 1 October 2019.
This will help save time and prevent loss of labels. Now you will not need a label for your vehicle, trailer or boat. Also, you will not need to worry about getting fined for not displaying a label.
These changes to labels mean:
- you still need to make sure your boat is registered or you may face a fine
- you won't need to display a registration label but you can leave it on if you want
- in most cases, you will no longer get a registration certificate. You can get a registration certificate online
- the registration renewal notice will be sent to the registered boat owner approximately 4 weeks before the boat registration expiry date. Make sure your details are up to date
- if you forget to pay your registration, we will send you a reminder notice.
You will still be able to check your boat registration expiry date any time at or by downloading the QLD Rego Check app. You can also call the Department of Transport and Main Roads at 13 23 80*.
You can sign up to get your registration by email and get reminded when your rego is due.
Find more information about registering a boat.
* Check with your service provider for call costs. For international callers, please phone +61 7 3405 0985.