Guidelines—Maritime training grant


The Queensland Government is implementing its ‘Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative’ (BQMJ Initiative), under which financial assistance will be made available under 3 grant programs:

  • Coastal Shipping Grant Program.
  • Maritime Employment Grant Program. 
  • Maritime Training Grant Program. 

Maritime Safety Queensland, for State of Queensland, through the Department of Transport and Main Roads (referred to in these Guidelines as MSQ, We or Us, depending on the context) is responsible for administering the BQMJ Initiative.

These ‘Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs initiative, Maritime Training Grant Program Guidelines’ (Guidelines) deal specifically with the Maritime Training Grant Program. The Maritime Employment Grant and Coastal Shipping Grant Programs will be dealt with in separate documents.  

These Guidelines set out: 

  • General information about the BQMJ Initiative.
  • The purpose of the Maritime Training Grant Program. 
  • The eligibility and assessment criteria.
  • How applications are to be made and how they will be considered and selected.
  • How successful applicants will be notified and receive grant payments.
  • How achievement of required milestones associated with grants will be monitored and evaluated.
  • Responsibilities and expectations in relation to the opportunity. 

This guideline provides information on how to apply for a grant under the Maritime Training Grant Program and should be read in conjunction with both the Maritime Training Grant Program Application form and the Maritime Employment & Training Grant Programs Terms and Conditions prior to applying. 

Backing the Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative

Queensland has around 7,000km of mainland coastline comprising large expanses within the environmentally important Great Barrier Reef, world class reaches of open beach line, the rich and diverse waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria and numerous bays, islets, inlets, and port precincts allowing for responsible access to these marine areas for both recreational and economic purposes.

Queensland has a rich history of coastal shipping assisting economic growth and achieving advances in social infrastructure across the State. However, over recent times sea transport has suffered as other transport sectors have grown with the road and rail network expanded to meet the State’s need for passenger and freight access in both coastal and inland regions. There is now a re-awakening of the advantages that an innovative and sustainable marine cargo system can contribute to the State.

Coastal shipping offers real potential for assisting economic growth, improving the resilience of the State’s supply chains and employment growth. Accordingly, the Queensland Government has committed $21 million to the BQMJ Initiative, with the goal of creating ongoing maritime jobs in Queensland. Under the BQMJ Initiative, financial assistance will be made available under three grant programs, as set out earlier. 

The BQMJ Initiative aims to revitalise and strengthen coastal shipping, and in doing so assist economic growth and importantly see the creation of strategically important maritime jobs and training opportunities in Queensland. This will improve Queensland's economic and logistical resilience and reduce its reliance on foreign flagged vessels and associated risks to the State’s supply lines. 

The majority of funding that will be released under the BQMJ Initiative will occur between January 2023 to June 2025.

The maritime sector is like other industries facing skilled workforce challenges. The high cost of training and the time required to achieve qualifications is regarded as one of the greatest contributors to the skills shortage in the maritime industry. Additionally, due to the declining number of Australian flagged vessels, there is a lack of available training berths for Australian seafarers to gain the required experience.

The Maritime Training Grant Program provides financial assistance to Queensland businesses in the maritime industry to help with the cost of training employees. Investment in training maritime employees through the Maritime Training Grant Program, combined with investment in maritime employment through the Maritime Employment Grant Program, supports a skilled maritime workforce for Queensland. 

About the Maritime Training Grant Program 

The Maritime Training Grant Program seeks applications from capable and knowledgeable commercial entities (referred to as Applicants or You in these Guidelines, depending on the context) seeking assistance with meeting the costs associated with employees undertaking training. The training may be for an initial qualification, a higher-level qualification or for specific skills training. The grant can be used to cover costs associated with course enrolment, travel, and accommodation.  

The Maritime Training Grant Program is available to businesses in the maritime industry throughout Queensland. Capable and knowledgeable commercial entities in the maritime industry are invited to apply using the application form located at

Applicants should note:

  • The Maritime Training Grant Program offers grant funding up to $10,000 for training toward a Certificate IV, and up to $25,000 for a Diploma or Advanced Diploma. Grant funding up to $7,500 is also available for training in maritime skills that are in short supply but may not be a full qualification.
  • Employers will need to make one application for each employee seeking to undertake training.  
  • In responding to the selection criteria, each application must detail the funding required to train and upskill an employee, as well as any other costs associated with undertaking the training.
  • The courses covered by the Maritime Training Grant Program is limited to those courses outlined in these guidelines. 
  • Grants are not available for concurrent training by the eligible employee. 
  • Grants will be awarded on the basis of merit through a competitive application and selection process.  
  • Applications will be assessed by an assessment panel convened by MSQ.  
  • Applications for the Maritime Training Grant Program may be sought at several intervals over the grant period from January 2023 to June 2025.

Maritime Training Grant Program objectives

The objective of the Maritime Training Grant Program is to offer financial assistance to eligible employers in the maritime industry to support their employees in undertake training, enhancing the skills within the maritime sector.

The Maritime Training Grant Program is not for use to cover the costs associated with sea-time required by Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) for recognition of a qualification.

Course covered by the Maritime Training Grant Program

The Maritime Training Grant Program is available for specific Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses as per table:

 Certificate IVs
Cert IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal) MAR40220
Cert IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 meters Near Coastal) MAR40320
Diploma of Marine Engineering MAR50120
Diploma of Maritime Operations
Advanced Diplomas
Advanced Diploma of Marine Engineering (Class 1)
Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master Unlimited)

We may consider other courses so long as they are oriented towards directly supporting the maritime sector and are provided in accordance with the Approved course provider section.

We recognise that sometimes a full qualification is not required to address the skills needed for a critical occupation in the maritime workplace. Therefore, applications for skills that are in short supply and match a need in the industry will be considered for grant funding. This includes training for skills such as:

  • Safety Training (Certificate)
  • Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems 
  • Electrical Expertise (Electrician or Electro Technical Officer)
  • Crane Operations 
  • Pilotage / Loadmaster Experience 
  • Dynamic Positioning
  • Tanker Experience
  • LNG Experience 
  • Heavy Lift Vessel Experience 
  • Drilling and Construction
  • Health and Safety
  • Dredging Operations

Training in other skill sets not mentioned above may be considered. The Applicant must demonstrate the skills are in short supply and there is an industry need. 

Approved course provider

The Maritime Training Grant Program is only available for courses provided by organisations that are RTO approved by either the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or AMSA. In some cases, an RTO may be regulated by the state. The regulators ensure that RTOs comply with conditions and standards for registration. Delivery of all training and issuing of the qualification, or certificate of competency, can only be completed by the RTO. 

Eligibility Criteria

Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

To be eligible for a grant under the Maritime Training Grant Program, an Applicant must:

  • Be a corporation.
  • Have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST.
  • Have a bank account in the Applicant’s name.
  • Hold all relevant licences and certificates including relevant safety qualifications for the proposed operations and training
  • Have its headquarters or a major office located in Queensland.
  • Be part of the maritime industry and be connected to the sea or waterways. This includes but not limited to:
    • Marine tourism operators.
    • Passenger transportation.
    • Marine construction, dredging or towage.
    • Marine logistics, coastal freight, and port services.
    • Fishing and seafood processing.
    • Boat and ship building and vessel maintenance.
  • Not be a person or entity described in Who is not eligible to apply for a grant section.

Who is not eligible to apply for a grant?

The following are not eligible to apply for a grant under the Maritime Training Grant Program:

  • A Commonwealth, state or local government agency or body (including government owned corporations but not necessarily subsidiaries or entities controlled by government owned corporations). Unless expressly authorised by MSQ.
  • Entities that are incorporated or registered under an Act of Parliament with not-for-profit objectives. 
  • Entities that are:
    • Relying on a moratorium or cap on any State-based statutory fees. 
    • Not subject to any current AMSA, ATSB, MSQ or other comparable regulatory agency investigations or prosecutions relating to unsafe operations, environmental damage or contamination
    • Insolvent or have any owner or director who is an undischarged bankrupt.  
  • In receipt of Coastal Shipping Grant Program funding unless the application is for training opportunities not related to the Coastal Shipping service.  

Which employees does the grant funding cover?

Grants awarded under the Maritime Training Grant Program are limited to employees who are:

  • A permanent resident of Australia and be domiciled in Queensland. 
    • A domicile address is considered to be Your permanent home or legal residence. A person may have a number of residential addresses but will always have a single domicile address. If a seafarer works interstate, but their abode is in Queensland, then they may be regarded as being domiciled in Queensland.
  • Employed either on an ongoing paid:
    • Full-time basis and works at least 35 hours per week on average
    • Part-time basis and works at least 20 hours per week on average. 

Assessment Criteria

Applicants must address all of the following assessment criteria in their application. The application form contains some guidance in relation to each criterion. We will assess applications based on the following criteria.  While We reserve the right to change the weighting given to any particular criterion, the criteria are weighted equally.  

Criterion 1 – Commitment to training the employee

Applicants should demonstrate this through:

  • Evidence of a genuine commitment to the ongoing training and employment of the employee. This can be demonstrated by including details of any in-kind support that will be provided by Your organisation.
  • An indication of a considered approach to incorporating the proposed training into the organisation's training plan. 

Criterion 2 – Industry needs and impact

Applicants should demonstrate this through:

  • Evidence that there is an industry need for this training by identifying any current skill or knowledge gaps. 
  • How the training being supported will target skill areas that are highly sought after and form part of a career pathway in the maritime industry. 

How to Apply

Before applying, You must read and understand these Guidelines. The application documents can be found at

Number of applications

Whilst there is no limit to the number of applications You may submit, We reserve the right to limit the total grant funding for any one eligible employer. Over the period of the BQMJ Initiative, multiple rounds may be offered for submission of applications for the Maritime Training Grant Program.   

Applications can only be made for an eligible employee to undertake one course at a time. Grants will not be available for an eligible employee to undertake a second concurrent qualification. A second application can be made for another qualification only when the employee has completed the initial training supported by the grant funding offered under the Maritime Training Grant Program. 

The application process

An application is required for each eligible employee. 

To apply, You must:

  • Complete the Maritime Training Grant Program Application form found at
  • Provide all the information requested.
  • Address all eligibility criteria and assessment criteria.
  • Attach all required documents.
  • Submit the application via email to [email protected] by the advertised closing date.

It is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure contact information is kept up to date to enable the Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative team to make contact as needed.  

Each Applicant is responsible for ensuring that its application is complete and accurate. We will investigate any false or misleading information and may exclude an application from further consideration. 

If You identify an error in Your application after submitting it, You should contact Us immediately via [email protected]. Subject to this, applications cannot be changed after the closing date and time. 

If We identify an error in an application or information that is missing, We may ask the Applicant for clarification or additional information. However, We can refuse to accept any additional information from You that would change Your submission after the application closing time.   
You should keep a copy of your application and any supporting documents. 

We will acknowledge receipt of Your application, generally within 10 working days of Your submission. 

If You need further guidance around the application process or if You are unable to submit an application online, please contact Us via [email protected].

Questions during the application process

If You have any questions during the application process, contact the Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative team by emailing [email protected]. The Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative team will respond to emailed questions, generally within 10 working days. 

Answers to all universal questions will be posted via the website.

Grant Assessment Process


We will review applications against the eligibility criteria as per the eligibility criteria section. 

If an Applicant is deemed ineligible, the application will not be further considered. The Applicant will be informed if their application will not be considered. All information submitted by the Applicant must be current, up to date, and not be misleading due to omissions or partial disclosure, which will give MSQ the discretion to set aside the application.

Assessment process

Each valid application submitted by an eligible Applicant will be assessed by the assessment panel against the assessment criteria described in the Assessment Criteria section, available funding, and be ranked against other applications.

The assessment panel may shortlist applications to progress to the final stage of the application process.

The assessment panel may invite any Applicant to provide a presentation, either in person or online, which will provide an opportunity for the Applicant to showcase its proposed approach to training employees and how it will be managed. Presentations will also allow the assessment panel to ask questions and clarify the information provided by the Applicant, although it is not MSQ’s intention to permit a presentation to include changes to an application. 

Incomplete applications may be accepted for consideration or rejected at the discretion of MSQ's assessment panel.

The assessment panel will recommend applications for a grant based on how well the respective Applicants met the criteria in both their written application and any presentation. 

The assessment panel will make recommendations as to which applications to approve for a grant. 

Who will approve grants?

The appropriate level delegate will decide which grants to approve, taking into account the recommendations of the assessment panel and availability of grant funds for the purposes of the Maritime Training Grant Program.

Prior to final approval of an Applicant's grant, MSQ's assessment panel may negotiate the amount of grant funding required with the Applicant. 

The decision of the appropriate delegate will be final in all matters, including:

  • The approval of the grant.
  • The grant amount to be awarded.
  • The terms and conditions of the grant, to be incorporated in the relevant Grant Agreement. 

Additional information

You may be requested to provide additional information and documents to assist in determining if eligibility criteria have been met. 

If You have been requested to provide further information, generally You will have 10 business days to supply the requested documentation. If You require more than 10 business days to provide the requested documentation, You must notify Us via email to [email protected]

If the required information is not provided within 10 business days, or within the agreed timeframe, the application will not be considered. 


We will advise You of the outcome of your application in writing via email. If You are successful, We will advise You of any specific conditions that may be attached to the grant assistance. 

Processing Your application

Once applications are received, and if all information and documents are included, processing will generally be completed within 28 days of submission. This may change depending on application volume.

If You have been requested to provide more information following an initial assessment of Your application, the 28 days commences again upon re-submission of the application.

If an application is not approved, can a review of the decision be requested? 

An appeal must be made within 28 days of receipt of the formal advice from the Us and will need to include:

  • The grounds on which You are seeking the appeal
  • Any additional information in support of the appeal.

Review of decision requests may be declined in instances where the decision is made on public interest grounds. 

Appeals must be submitted via email to [email protected]


How will payments be distributed?

The Maritime Training Grant Program offers grant funding up to $10,000 for training toward a Certificate IV, and up to $25,000 for a Diploma or Advanced Diploma. Grant funding up to $7,500 is also available for training in maritime skills that are in short supply but may not be a full qualification. Payments are made directly to the employer. Unless otherwise specifically negotiated, payments will be made as follows:

Certificate IV

Payments for employees undertaking Certificate IVs will be made in 3 instalments:

  • Initial payment of up to $4,000 on commencement of the course. 
  • Mid-point payment of up to $3,000 on completion of half of the course work. The initial payment must be acquitted for the mid-point payment to proceed. 
  • Completion payment of up to $3,000 on conclusion of the course. The mid-point payment must be acquitted for this payment to proceed.

Diploma or Advanced Diploma

Payments for employees undertaking either a Diploma or Advanced Diploma will be made in three instalments:

  • Initial payment of up to $9,000 on commencement of the course. 
  • Mid-point payment of up to $8,000 on completion of half of the course work. The initial payment must be acquitted for this payment to proceed. 
  • Completion payment of up to $8,000 on conclusion of the course. The mid-point payment must be acquitted for this payment to proceed.   

Specialised Skill Sets in Demand

Grant funding up to $7,500 is available for training in maritime skills that are in short supply and have been identified as needed in the maritime industry. Payments for specialised skill sets will be made in 2 instalments:

  • Initial payment of up to $4,500 on commencement of undertaking the skills training.
  • Completion payment of up to $3,000 on completion of the skills training. The initial payment must be acquitted for this payment to proceed. 

Eligible expenses

In addition to course enrolment fees and other costs, grant funding may be available for expenses associated with undertaking training. Eligible expenses must not exceed the total grant funding available for the eligible employee. Eligible expenses may include:

  • Travel allowances. 
  • Accommodation allowance.
  • Living allowances.

Ineligible expenses

The following expenses are unlikely to be funded:

  • Wages and salaries of employees.
  • Training provided to staff members by the employing organisation.

Training that is not relevant to the qualification being supported by the Maritime Training Grant Program.

Successful Grant Applications 

Grant Agreement

If Your application is approved, You will be required to enter into a legally binding Grant Agreement with Us in order for any grant payments to be made. We will prepare the Grant Agreement and provide You with a copy to review. We recommend that successful Applicants seek their own independent advice before entering into a Grant Agreement. You may elect not to enter into a Grant Agreement, but in that case, You will not be able to receive any grant under the Maritime Training Grant Program.

The Grant Agreement includes Your application, the terms and conditions, and the letter of offer, which outline the approved funding, purpose of the grant, approved items, and reporting requirements. 

We may impose additional conditions as part of the Grant Agreement.

When accepting the Grant Agreement, You must provide Us the signed letter of offer, emailed to [email protected].

Initial payment 

To progress an initial payment, You must provide documents as outlined as follows.

Documents are to be emailed to [email protected].

Identification of employee undertaking training

You must provide evidence of the identity of the employee undertaking training and who will be benefiting from the grant. Acceptable employee identification documents are:

  • An Australian driver licence.
  • Adult proof of age card (for example, 18+ card).
  • Birth certificate.
  • Citizenship certificate.
  • Passport.

Note: if a non-Australian passport is being submitted as evidence, a letter issued by the Australian Government to the employee outlining their visa details must also be submitted.

The employee identification documents must be current at the date of application and at commencement of the course. The first name, surname, and date of birth on the employee identification must match the first name, surname, and date of birth on the application and course enrolment documents.

Employee consent form 

You must provide an employee consent form signed by the employee undertaking the training (employee consent form available at

Proof of enrolment and invoice

You must provide evidence of the employee’s enrolment including the course to be undertaken, duration, cost of the course and the name of the RTO providing the training. If requesting grant funding for the enrolment fee or any other relevant cost incurred, an invoice must be provided with proof of expenditure. 

Bank details 

To facilitate payment of the grant, You must provide either a copy of Your organisation's most recent bank statement or a stamped and signed bank correspondence on bank letterhead confirming bank details.  

Workcover Policy or Licence

You must provide Your WorkCover Policy or Licence Number and expiration date to progress the initial payment. Information You provide, including Your WorkCover Policy or Licence Number, may be disclosed to WorkCover for the purpose of verifying Your compliance of the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld).

In Queensland, under the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld), an employer must, for each worker employed, insure, and remain insured for their legal liability to pay compensation and damages to their workers. 

Claiming payments for eligible expenses 

Payments for eligible expenses are available to cover reasonable costs incurred during the period of training (for example, travel or accommodation). Payments for eligible expenses will only be progressed when all relevant receipts are received.   

Requests for payments to cover eligible expenses are to be in writing, emailed to [email protected].  

Documents need to be legible in a PDF, JPEG or Word format.  

To make a request for eligible expenses, You must provide documents as outlined as follows.  

Proof of enrolment

You must provide evidence to show the employee undertaking training is still enrolled in the training course.

We may contact You requesting additional information to determine if the training course has been completed.  

Proof of eligible expenses

You must provide receipts of expenses incurred during the period of training. 

All eligible expenses must be reasonable (for example, accommodation booked should be at least consistent with the 3-star rating used in RACQ accommodation directories and government contribution will not exceed $200 per night).  

The total cost of the training course, plus all other eligible expenses cannot exceed the grant funding available per employee for the chosen course as outlined in the Payments section.   

Ceased training or changes to employment

If an employee receiving grant funding ceases training after an initial payment has been made, We do not require return of payments already disbursed. No further payments will be made, and the employee will not be eligible for any further grants under the Maritime Training Grant Program. 

You must notify Us via email to [email protected] if an employee receiving grant funding ceases training or has changed their employment status. 

If it is determined that a grant payment has been made for which the eligibility criteria were not met, We will seek to recover that payment. 

Acquitting Grant Agreement 


You must provide evidence of how the grant funding was expended - this is called acquittal. 

You must acquit grant funding by the agreed expiry date.

Upon completion of the training, a final acquittal is required. The acquittal form can be found at 
The completed acquittal form and all documents must be provided to the Backing Maritime Queensland Jobs Initiative team via email to [email protected].

Assurance checks 

We reserve the right to perform quality assurance checks (which may include site visits) for employers receiving grant funding. 

What happens if the Maritime Training Grant Program is discontinued?  

Advice will be published on the Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs webpage if funding is no longer available, or the program has been discontinued.

Any concerns or questions as to the status of the program can be sent to [email protected].

Tax implications

The taxation implications of any payments made to an Applicant under the Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative may differ depending on the Applicant’s personal circumstances. The Queensland Government is unable to provide taxation advice and accordingly we recommend consulting Your own professional adviser to determine any taxation implications that may apply. The Australian Taxation Office has information that may also assist You at

Probity and General Matters

We will make sure that the grant opportunity process is fair, incorporating appropriate safeguards against fraud, unlawful activities, and other inappropriate conduct.   

Enquiries and feedback

Any questions or feedback You have regarding this Maritime Training Grant Program should be sent to [email protected] 


Without limiting its rights whatsoever, We reserve the right, in our absolute discretion and at any time after release of these Guidelines and during the grant application, assessment and approval process, to:

  • Amend the structure, procedure, or timing of the application and/or assessment process.
  • Vary or amend the eligibility or assessment criteria without notification.
  • Request further information from an Applicant (including by way of interview or presentation).
  • Conduct our own due diligence investigations and draw on referee checks, outside expertise and prior knowledge, in assessing any one or more applications.
  • Terminate or suspend the grant application, assessment and/or approval process at any time. 
  • Conduct negotiations with any Applicant after applications have been submitted
  • Not provide reasons to any Applicant for any action or decision taken as part of this process.

No legal relationship

The conduct of the application, assessment and approval process does not give rise to any legal or equitable relationship between Us and any Applicant or potential Applicant.

We may cancel or vary the application, assessment, and approval process at any time, whether before, on or after the closing date for applications. 

An Applicant will not be entitled to claim compensation or loss from Us for any matter arising out of the application, assessment, and approval process, or from the termination, suspension, or exclusion, from the grant application process. 
We will have no obligation to pay any part of an approved grant unless and until a final Grant Agreement has been prepared, including all required details, and is executed by both parties.

Conflicts of interest

Any conflicts of interest could affect the performance of the grant opportunity or program. There may be a conflict of interest, or perceived conflict of interest, if MSQ's staff, any member of the assessment panel or advisor and/or You or any of Your personnel:

  • Has a professional, commercial, or personal relationship with a party who is able to influence the application selection process, such as a MSQ officer or member of the assessment panel.
  • Has a relationship with or interest in, an organisation, which is likely to interfere with or restrict the Applicants from carrying out the proposed activities fairly and independently
  • Has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation from which they will receive personal gain because the organisation receives a grant under a grant program / grant opportunity. 

You will be asked to declare, as part of Your application, any perceived or existing conflicts of interests or that, to the best of Your knowledge, there is no conflict of interest. 

If You later identify an actual, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest, You must inform MSQ in writing immediately.

Assessment panel members and government staff including the decision maker must also declare any conflicts of interest.  

Privacy and information

We collect an Applicant’s personal information for the purposes of:

  • Assessing the Applicant’s application.
  • Managing the Maritime Training Grant Program
  • Researching and reporting on grant programs. 

We (including our employees) may use and disclose the personal information provided in an application to third parties for these purposes, including:

  • Queensland government departments and agencies. 
  • Commonwealth government departments and agencies. 
  • Other state or territory government departments and agencies
  • Non-government organisations. 

We, or the responsible Minister, may publish grant recipient information on government websites or in media releases while publicising the outcomes of the Maritime Training Grant Program or the BQMJ Initiative. Published information may include business name, grant amount, suburb/postcode, and outcome details. 

We will only use an Applicant’s personal information for these purposes. We will handle an Applicant’s personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.  We will not otherwise use or disclose the information unless authorised or required by law.

Applicants (including potential Applicants) may view the Queensland Government’s privacy guide at 

No canvassing or collusive applications

We will make sure that the grant opportunity process is fair.

No canvassing

Applicants must not contact officers of MSQ with a view to obtaining information in respect of the application, assessment, or approval process, which is not publicly available or to enhance its prospect of being selected or shortlisted. Any unauthorised communication or approach by or on behalf of an Applicant to influence, or seek to influence, may, in our absolute discretion, lead to the exclusion of the Applicant from this process.

No collusive applications

Applicants must not collude or communicate with any competing application on any subject related to their application or the application process and must confirm with any external advisor that they are not advising any competing Applicant. Any Applicant found to have:

  1. used common advisors without first notifying MSQ
  2. discussed any aspect of their application with a competing Applicant may be excluded from assessment at MSQ's sole discretion.


This Guidelines are to be used as a guide only. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that these Guidelines are correct at the time of publication. State of Queensland accepts no responsibility and gives no warranty, guarantee or representation about the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, suitability or otherwise of the information contained in these Guidelines. State of Queensland expressly excludes legal liability in all jurisdictions concerning the use or reliance of any information contained in these Guidelines. Any direct or consequential loss or damage suffered because of reliance on this publication is the user’s sole responsibility. Persons using information contained in these Guidelines should conduct enquiries and rely on independent professional advice. This exclusion extends to all users and related parties who may suffer loss because of the use of information contained in these Guidelines and applies despite any negligence on the part of the State of Queensland.

Download the guidelines

Last updated
29 December 2022