Guidelines—Coastal shipping grant


The Queensland Government continues to implement its Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative (BQMJ Initiative), under which financial assistance will be made available under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program Round 2.

Maritime Safety Queensland, for State of Queensland, through the Department of Transport and Main Roads (referred to in these Guidelines as MSQ, We or Us, depending on the context) is responsible for administering the BQMJ Initiative.

These Guidelines set out: 

  • General information about the BQMJ Initiative.
  • The purpose of the Coastal Shipping Grant Program. 
  • The eligibility and assessment criteria.
  • How applications are to be made and how they will be considered and selected.
  • How successful applicants will be notified and receive grant payments.
  • How achievement of required milestones associated with grants will be monitored and evaluated.
  • Responsibilities and expectations in relation to the opportunity. 

This guideline provides information on how to apply for a grant under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program and should be read in conjunction with the Coastal Shipping Grant Program Application form

Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative

Queensland has around 7000km of mainland coastline comprising large expanses within the environmentally important Great Barrier Reef, world class reaches of open beach line, the rich and diverse waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria and numerous bays, islets, inlets, and port precincts allowing for responsible access to these marine areas for both recreational and economic purposes.

Queensland has a rich history of coastal shipping assisting economic growth and achieving advances in social infrastructure across the State. However, over recent times sea transport has suffered as other transport sectors have grown with the road and rail network expanded to meet the State’s need for passenger and freight access in both coastal and inland regions. There is now a re-awakening of the advantages that an innovative and sustainable marine cargo system can contribute to the State.

Coastal shipping offers real potential for assisting economic growth, improving the resilience of the State’s supply chains and employment growth. Accordingly, the Queensland Government has committed $21 million to the BQMJ Initiative, with the goal of creating ongoing maritime jobs in Queensland. 

The BQMJ Initiative aims to revitalise and strengthen coastal shipping, and in doing so assist economic growth and importantly see the creation of strategically important maritime jobs and training opportunities in Queensland. This will improve Queensland's economic and logistical resilience and reduce its reliance on foreign flagged vessels and associated risks to the State’s supply lines. 

The majority of funding that will be released under the BQMJ Initiative will occur between January 2023 to June 2025.

The Coastal Shipping Grant Program provides grant assistance to establish and strengthen coastal shipping services along the Queensland coastline, and in doing so, future economic and jobs growth.

About the Coastal Shipping Grant Program

The Coastal Shipping Grant Program seeks applications from capable and knowledgeable commercial entities (referred to as 'Applicants' or 'You' in these Guidelines, depending on the context) to establish a coastal shipping service along the Queensland coastline, or to strengthen existing shipping operations within Queensland. Applicants will need to demonstrate how their proposal will support the creation of viable and sustainable local maritime jobs for our local workforce.  

The Coastal Shipping Grant Program is intended to deliver:

  • Re-invigoration of sustainable coastal shipping services along Queensland's coastline.
  • New Regulated Australian Vessel (RAV) shipping operations.
  • Increased flexibility and improved reliable access to marine logistic services.
  • Employment opportunities for a local maritime workforce to address current skill shortages.
  • Opportunities for Queensland seafarers to train, upskill and obtain valuable sea time.

Capable and knowledgeable commercial entities that meet the eligibility criteria stated in these Guidelines are invited to apply using the application form referred to in section 6 (How to Apply) below. Applicants should note the following:

  • Grants will be awarded on the basis of merit through a competitive application and selection process.
  • Applications will be assessed by a panel convened by MSQ.
  • Applications will need to include details about the amount of grant funding that the applicant is seeking and the areas of expenditure in relation to their proposed coastal shipping project.
  • Successful Applicants will need to achieve agreed milestones and to report regularly on the progress and delivery of their coastal shipping project to receive grant payments.
  • Grant assistance under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program may be awarded to a single Applicant or multiple Applicants, subject to assessment of applications. 

Grants under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program are intended to be paid to the successful Applicant/s progressively in agreed tranches or as otherwise determined by MSQ, in each case subject to the Applicant/s entering into and complying with the terms of the formal Grant Agreement, as broadly described later in these Guidelines (Grant Agreement).

Coastal Shipping Grant Program objectives

The objectives of the Coastal Shipping Grant Program are to:

  • Establish coastal shipping services along the Queensland coast or strengthen shipping operations within Queensland in a manner that is consistent with the objectives of the commitment to create local maritime jobs and meet viability and sustainability criteria. 
  • Create sustainable local jobs for experienced and qualified local seafarers incorporating training towards an International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers (STCW), 1978 qualification.
  • Provide training, career advancement opportunities and qualifying sea time experience for local seafarers, potentially new to the industry including integrated ratings and engineer class 3. 

Applicants should clearly demonstrate how they propose to establish coastal shipping services predominately along the Queensland coast, or to enhance existing shipping operations within Queensland, consistent with the above objectives. Grants under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program are only to be applied for these purposes.

The following target groups and requirements have been identified to assist MSQ in achieving the Coastal Shipping Grant Program objectives. 

Indicative target groups

The target groups have been identified as potentially able to achieve the Coastal Shipping Grant Program objectives, although other entities located in or willing to establish a presence in Queensland may still apply if they have a proposal that meets the above objectives. 

  • Coastal shippers – those commercial entities who already are in the business of shipping goods along the coast of Queensland and wish to expand their route operations.
  • RAV operators as defined under section 15 of the Navigation Act. 2012. Freight and cargo – international shipping companies that wish to introduce a dedicated coastal shipping service predominantly along the coast of Queensland.

Key concepts

For the purpose of these Guidelines and the Coastal Shipping Grant Program, ‘coastal shipping’ refers to the regular movement of freight or cargo by ship predominately between declared ports, anchorages or destinations in Queensland. For this program, coastal shipping is not considered to include:

  • International ships transporting cargo and are operating on temporary licences.
  • Shipping where a vessel comes from an overseas port to a Queensland port, anchorage or destination and the majority of their trade is not in Queensland.
  • Shipping services that normally cater for a specific project cargo and/or solely makes port calls by inducement.
  • Shipping services that undertake interstate or international voyaging unless the operator can demonstrate that the voyage is of a direct benefit to the sustainability of the service in Queensland and/or benefits the Queensland economy, or that the voyage is intrastate, and the majority of their trade is not in Queensland. 

Grant assistance under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program is not available in relation to the above excluded purposes.

Additionally, local workforces must be used by the provider and applications will need to demonstrate how this requirement will be achieved. Local maritime jobs or local workforce refers to jobs being undertaken by someone who is a permanent resident of Australia and is 'domiciled' in Queensland. A domicile address is considered to be your permanent home or legal residence. A person may have a number of residential addresses but will always have a single domicile address. If a seafarer also works interstate, but their abode is in Queensland, then they may be regarded as being domiciled in Queensland.

The hiring of international or interstate workers is allowed at the start of the operations. However, there must be 51% Australian or Queensland crew with an acceptable pathway to convert the remaining seafarers provided for the application to be considered.

Eligibility criteria

Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

To be eligible for a grant under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program, an Applicant must:

  • Be a corporation.
  • Have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST.
  • Have a bank account in the Applicant’s name.
  • Hold all relevant licences and certificates including relevant safety qualifications for the proposed operation of a coastal shipping service; and
  • Not be a person or entity described in section 4.2 below.

Who is not eligible to apply for a grant?

The following are not eligible to apply for a grant under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program:

  • A Commonwealth, state or local government agency or body (including government-owned corporations but not necessarily subsidiaries or entities controlled by government-owned corporations), unless expressly authorised by MSQ.
  • Entities that are incorporated or registered under an Act of Parliament with not-for-profit objectives.
  • Entities that are not prepared to operate a RAV as defined under section 15 of the Navigation Act 2012.
  • Entities that are:
    • relying on a moratorium or cap on any State-based statutory fees; or 
    • subject to any current Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), Australian Transport Safety Bureau, MSQ or other comparable regulatory agency significant actions relating to unsafe operations, environmental damage or contamination; or 
    • insolvent or have any owner or director who is an undischarged bankrupt.

Eligible expenditure

Grants under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program will only be able to be expended in accordance with the terms of the Grant Agreement that a successful Applicant will be required to enter into with Us.

We may ask You to verify coastal shipping project costs as part of Your application. That may include provision of evidence such as quotes for major costs. 

There are a range of activities for which grants will not be able to be expended (which will also be stated in the Grant Agreement that a successful Applicant will be required to enter into with Us), including:

  • Goods purchased by cryptocurrencies, third parties, barter trade or services in kind.
  • Real estate (including property fees, hire, lease, or rental fees).
  • Travel.
  • Franchise fees.
  • Purchase of stock.
  • General business operating costs, for example, legal, book-keeping, accounting, tax returns, marketing, advertising activities.
  • Delivery fees, credit card surcharges and international transaction fees.
  • Membership and joining fees.
  • Capital items including the full capital acquisition costs of a vessel, including through such mechanisms such as hire purchase, deposits or retaining fees (noting that there may be a possible exception for the acquisition of specialist equipment that is connected to employment). 

Assessment criteria

Applicants must address all of the following assessment criteria in their application. The Coastal Shipping Grant Program Application form contains some guidance in relation to each criterion. We will assess applications based on the criteria below.

While We reserve the right to change the weighting given to any particular criterion, criterion 5 presently has the greatest weighting.

The amount of detail and supporting evidence provided in an application should be relative to the size, complexity and grant amount requested.

Criterion 1 – Approach to delivering the coastal shipping service, including ability, experience, and capability 

Applicants should demonstrate this through:
  • Detailing their history and experience, particularly in providing coastal shipping services.
  • A regular trading schedule which includes mitigation strategies for unplanned delays. 
  • Vessel specifications and characteristics, including the requirements such as crewing arrangements, (at the start of the operations there must be 51% Australian or Queensland crew with an acceptable pathway to convert the remaining seafarers) ship management details, age, statutory authorities including safety and certificates. 
  • Indicative timeframes for implementation and delivery of the proposed coastal shipping service (for example, sourcing the vessel, crew complement and recruitment).
  • Identification of any land side infrastructure required for the provision of the coastal shipping service and availability arrangements.
  • Details of relevant maritime safety management and emergency response systems including oversight arrangements.
  • Details of any litigation or governmental or regulatory action pending against the applicant which may impact their ability to provide the services.
  • Details of how the applicant makes ethical decisions around finance/procurement, industrial relations, and the environment. 

Criterion 2 – Local benefits from proposed coastal shipping service 

Applicants should demonstrate this through:

  • The existence of, or proposed establishment of, an organisation-level presence in Queensland.
  • Proposed use of local workforces by the Applicant for the coastal shipping service and a commitment to maintenance docking in Queensland.
  • Proposed use of local sub-contractors (if sub-contracting is required) for the coastal shipping service.
  • Any other local benefit that would be relevant to the proposal. 
  • Details of Applicant's new jobs created and where these staff will be domiciled. 

Criterion 3 – Sustainability of the coastal shipping service 

Applicants should demonstrate this through:

  • The forecast market demand and revenue for the first two years of operation of the proposed coastal shipping service, excluding any grant under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program or other government support.
  • Details of a cargo attraction strategy, including a freight analysis to attract and retain cargo in the longer term. If possible, please include information on any arrangements with freight owners about minimum service levels and period of service delivery. 
  • Details of any arrangements with service providers, such as ports and stevedores, that will help the coastal shipping service operate. 
  • Estimates of freight or cargo to be carried by the proposed coastal shipping service.

Criterion 4 – Approach to recruitment and training

Applicants should demonstrate this through:

  • Details of the proposed approach to incorporate STCW AMSA approved traineeships and cadetships, integrated ratings and engineer class 3 in the operating model for the proposed coastal shipping service. 
  • Details of any qualifications being funded and target skill areas that are highly sought after (for example, Master Unlimited, Chief Engineer, integrated ratings and engineer class 3) as part of the coastal shipping service.
  • Details of any commitment to continue STCW traineeships and cadetships and integrated ratings and engineer class 3 beyond the grant period.
  • Details of any commitment to any diverse and inclusive employment strategies, including first nation and female seafarers, along with a commitment towards accrual of sea time. 

The qualifications, traineeships and cadetships referred to in this criterion are specifically related to the proposed coastal shipping service only.

Criterion 5 – Financial soundness of the Applicant and funding requirements

Applicants should demonstrate this through:

  • Providing information about the Applicant’s and related entities trading history, revenue, and financial position (for example, by including audited financial statements for the Applicant for the previous three years and/or providing information and supporting evidence about financing and guarantee arrangements to which the Applicant is a party and that will be relevant to its operation of the proposed coastal shipping service).
  • The total and annual quantum of grant assistance being requested under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program, which is to be represented as a single line item in the application form, with a more detailed explanation and breakup of that figure in attachments as well as details of any new jobs created.
  • The proposed frequency and timing of grant payments and milestones.
  • How the grant assistance is proposed to be expended by the Applicant (having regard to section 4.3 above).
  • Applicants should ensure that the requested quantum of grant assistance is reasonable and proportionate to the nature of their proposal. Applicants proposing a full upfront payment will not be considered. \
  • When proposing the frequency and timing of payments, regard should be had for MSQ’s intention that grant instalments (with the possible exception of an initial instalment) will generally be paid after achievement of stated milestones.
    No assurance is given that the requested amount, frequency, or timing of grant assistance will be approved.

How to apply

Before applying, You must read and understand these Guidelines. 

You may only submit one application. Applications are to outline service requirements and grant assistance sought in a single application.

To apply, You must:

Each Applicant is responsible for ensuring that their application is complete and accurate. We will investigate any false or misleading information and may exclude an application from further consideration.

If You identify an error in Your application after submitting it, however after the first round of shortlisting, consultation will occur with applicants. After this stage applicants can edit or change however that will be the final chance You should contact Us immediately via [email protected]. Subject to this, applications cannot be changed after the closing date and time.

If We identify an error in an application or information that is missing, We may ask the applicant for clarification or additional information.

You should keep a copy of Your application and any supporting documents.

We will acknowledge receipt of Your application, generally within 10 working days of Your submission.

If You need further guidance around the application process or if You are unable to submit an application online, please email [email protected].

Attachments to the application

We require the following documents with an application:

  • Supporting documents to provide evidence of potential and proposed cargo.
  • Your most recent three years of audited financial statements (or all statements if operating less than three years).
  • A list of Your current board/committee members if applicable.
  • Position descriptions for supernumerary staff applicable to the ship operation to be employed as part of the activities outlined in Your application.

You must only attach supporting documentation to Your application in line with the instructions provided in these guidelines and the application form. 

We will not consider information in attachments that We do not request. 

Joint applications

We recognise that some organisations may want to join together as a group to deliver coastal shipping services.

In these circumstances, a 'lead organisation' must be appointed and that organisation will be the Applicant which will submit the application and, if successful, enter into a Grant Agreement with Us.

If the application is successful, the lead Applicant will have primary legal and financial responsibility for the execution and performance of a Grant Agreement and the receipt and use of the grant. It will be the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that any arrangements it may require with other group members are in place and that will not in any way limit the Applicant’s responsibilities under the Grant Agreement.


Applications must be submitted prior to the closing date for applications (see below). The anticipated timeframes for the Coastal Shipping Grant Program process are: 

Activity Date
Release guidelines and application form to market 
November 2023
Detailed industry briefing November 2023
Closing date for applications
January 2024
Assessment of applications
January 2024
Outcome of applications
February 2024
Grant Agreement negotiations
March 2024
Grant Agreement commencement date
ASAP 2024

MSQ reserves the right to alter any or all of the above dates throughout the process should the need arise.

Questions during the application process

If You have any questions during the application process, please contact the Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative team by emailing [email protected]. The Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs Initiative team will respond to emailed questions, generally within 10 working days.

Answers to all universal questions will be posted on the MSQ website.

Grant assessment process

Assessment of applications


We will review applications against the eligibility criteria as per section 4. 

If an Applicant is deemed ineligible, the application will not be further considered. The Applicant will be informed if their application will not be considered. All information submitted by the Applicant must be current, up to date, and not be misleading due to omissions or partial disclosure, which will give MSQ the discretion to set aside the application.

Assessment process

Each valid application will be assessed by the assessment panel against the assessment criteria described in section 5 and be ranked against other applications. The assessment panel will individually and then collectively assess each application in accordance with each assessment criteria. Individual assessment will be based on the information provided in Your Application and the required attachments provided. The assessment panel may shortlist applications to progress to the final stage of the application process.

The assessment panel may invite any Applicant to provide a presentation, either in person or online, which will provide an opportunity for the Applicant to showcase their proposed coastal shipping project and how it will be managed. Presentations will also allow the assessment panel to ask questions and clarify the information provided by the Applicant, although it is not MSQ’s intention to permit a presentation to include changes to an application. 

Incomplete applications may be accepted for consideration or rejected at the discretion of MSQ's assessment panel.

The assessment panel will recommend applications for a grant based on how well the respective Applicants met the criteria in both their written application and any presentation. 

The assessment panel will make recommendations as to which applications to approve for a grant. 

Who will approve grants?

The appropriate level delegate will decide which grants to approve, taking into account the recommendations of the assessment panel and availability of grant funds for the purposes of the Coastal Shipping Grant Program.

Prior to final approval of an Applicant's grant, MSQ may negotiate the amount of grant assistance required with the Applicant. 

  • The decision of the appropriate delegate will be final in all matters, including:
  • The approval of the grant.
  • The grant amount to be awarded.
  • The terms and conditions of the grant, to be incorporated in the relevant Grant Agreement. 

Notification of application outcomes

We will advise You of the outcome of Your application in writing via email. If Your application is approved, We will advise You about this and provide You with a copy of the proposed Grant Agreement (please refer to section 10 below for more details). 

If You are unsuccessful, You may ask for feedback within 28 days of receipt of the formal advice from Us. We will give written feedback within 28 days of Your request.  


An appeal must be made within 28 days of receipt of the formal advice from the Us and will need to include:

  • The grounds on which You are seeking the appeal; and
  • Any additional information in support of the appeal.

Appeals must be submitted via email to [email protected].

Successful grant applications

Grant Agreement

If Your application is approved, You will be required to enter into a legally binding Grant Agreement with Us in order for any grant payments to be made. We will prepare the Grant Agreement and provide You with a copy to review. We recommend that successful Applicants seek their own independent advice before entering into a Grant Agreement. You may elect not to enter into a Grant Agreement, but in that case, You will not be able to receive any grant assistance under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program.

You may request changes to the Grant Agreement, but it will be our discretion as to whether any changes are agreed. Changes that We consider may adversely impact the grant or that might unduly limit or impact on our rights will not be approved.

Some further details about Your proposed coastal shipping application and the grant assistance to be provided may need to be incorporated into the Grant Agreement.

Grant Agreements are to be finalised and executed by both parties, with a copy of the proposed Grant Agreement provided, within 28 days of You being notified that Your application was approved. If a Grant Agreement is not finalised and executed by both parties within this timeframe, or such other timeframe as We may approve, the approval of Your application may be revoked.

Our general intention is for a Grant Agreement to make provision for payments of grant assistance in instalments, following (and subject to) the successful Applicant achieving agreed milestones. If provided for in a Grant Agreement, an initial grant payment may be made following execution of the Grant Agreement.

If You choose to start Your coastal shipping project before a Grant Agreement is finalised and executed, that will be at Your own risk and no grant assistance will be paid unless and until a Grant Agreement has been executed. 

A Grant Agreement will (on a non-exhaustive basis) include provisions about the following matters:

  • The approved total amount of the grant to be paid.
  • The instalments in which the grant will be paid and the way that these will be paid (including any initial instalment that may be paid following execution of the Grant Agreement).
  • A detailed description of the coastal shipping project in relation to which the grant assistance is to be provided.
  • Agreed targets, milestones, or timelines that the successful Applicant will need to meet or satisfy, and other associated requirements (for example, submission of progress reports and tax invoicing) in order for grant instalments to be paid.
  • Local benefit obligations, derived from the Applicant’s proposal, including with respect to the matters described as part of assessment criterion 2.
  • The Applicant’s responsibilities about use of the grant, including the purpose(s) for which the grant may be expended by the Applicant and the Applicant’s obligations to repay (and our rights to recover) the grant in specified circumstances, such as where grant payments are unexpended or misapplied or the coastal shipping project does not proceed to our satisfaction.
  • Reporting, including periodic reporting and acquittal requirements (refer to section 12 below for some further information).
  • Periodic progress meetings and a grant and project evaluation process (refer to section 12 below for some further information).
  • Our ability to conduct reviews and audits of the Applicant’s use of the grant, progress with the coastal shipping project and compliance with the Grant Agreement.
  • The Applicant’s obligations with respect to matters such as:
    • The collection and provision of data.
    • Confidentiality and privacy.
    • Participating in evaluation processes.
    • Insurance; and
    • Indemnifying Us for loss or damage that We suffer (for example, due to negligence of the Applicant). 
  • Our ability to suspend grant payments or terminate the agreement in specified circumstances, such as unsatisfactory progress with the coastal shipping project or non-compliance by the Applicant with obligations under the agreement.

Importantly, MSQ will not pay any amount towards the coastal shipping project over and above the maximum grant amount approved and specified in the Grant Agreement under any circumstances. Any additional costs associated with the coastal shipping project will be the sole responsibility of the Applicant and will not limit the Applicant’s responsibilities under the Grant Agreement.


Approved grant assistance amounts will be expressed as GST Exclusive. If GST is payable in relation to a grant amount in accordance with the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act), MSQ will pay an additional amount equivalent to the GST component, subject to receipt of a compliant tax invoice on which GST is identified. The GST position will be confirmed in the Grant Agreement.

In accordance with the GST Act, if you are not registered for GST, you cannot add GST. For GST registered applicants, each arrangement needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis with consideration given to the application of the principles in GST Ruling 2012/2 – GST: Financial Assistance Payments and/or subparagraph 9-17(3) of the GST Act (Grant is a non-commercial appropriated payment between Government related entities for a supply). 

Announcement of grants

Any grant approved under the Coastal Shipping Grant Program will be published on the MSQ website, generally within 28 days after the commencement date of the relevant Grant Agreement. Please refer to section 13.5 for a description of the information that may be published. By submitting an application, an Applicant will be taken to have consented to this publication.

Monitoring grant activity

The Grant Agreement to be entered into with a successful Applicant will contain a range of provisions about monitoring of grant activity, including through periodic meetings, submission of reports and an evaluation process. Some further information about these measures is set out below.

Keeping us informed

We will arrange periodic meetings to discuss progress in relation to the Applicant’s coastal shipping project and any emerging issues that the Applicant may be facing. 

In addition to planned periodical meetings, Applicant’s will be required to notify Us immediately if anything is likely to affect the coastal shipping project delivery or the Applicant as an organisation.

We need to be informed of any key changes to an Applicant or its business activities, particularly if they may affect the Applicant’s ability to deliver the coastal shipping project.
Applicants will be required to notify Us about any changes to Your:

  • Name.
  • Address(es).
  • Nominated contact details.
  • Back account details.

If an Applicant becomes aware of any breach of these Guidelines or the Grant Agreement, the Applicant will be required to notify Us immediately. 


Progress report

Successful Applicants will be required to submit periodic progress reports, which will need to:

  • Include evidence of progress towards completion of agreed activities and outcomes within the reporting period.
  • Include an income and expenditure statement for the reporting period.
  • Be submitted by or before the report due date.
  • Cover all activities at all locations, including onshore and offshore.

Timely submission of satisfactory reports will be a requirement for further grant payments to be made.

Performance review

Evaluating a coastal shipping project is important as it lets the Applicant know whether the project is achieving its objectives and what might need to change. It also helps to ensure that limited resources are used most efficiently for the greatest possible impact. 

Applicants will be expected to undertake a periodic review to assess whether their coastal shipping project is meeting its objectives. 

We will reserve the right to independently review and evaluate or engage an appropriately qualified third party to review and evaluate, the relevant coastal shipping project, for which a grant has been awarded. Applicants will be required to ensure they have appropriate data collection processes in place to inform this evaluation. 

Audited financial acquittal report

Successful Applicants will be required to provide a yearly, independently audited, financial acquittal report. A financial acquittal report will verify that the grant has been applied in accordance with the Grant Agreement.

Review and audit

We will reserve the right to conduct reviews and audits (or appoint a qualified third party to conduct reviews and audits) of a successful Applicant’s use of the grant, progress with its coastal shipping project and compliance with the Grant Agreement (including site visits).


We will evaluate the BQMJ Initiative and/or Coastal Shipping Grant Program to measure how well the outcomes and objectives have been achieved. We may use information in a successful Applicant’s application and reports for this purpose. By submitting an application, an Applicant will be taken to have consented to this occurring.

We may also interview a successful Applicant or ask for more information to help Us understand how the grant impacted the Applicant and to evaluate how effective the BQMJ Initiative and/or Coastal Shipping Grant Program was in achieving its outcomes.

We may contact a successful Applicant up to one year after the end of the Grant Agreement for more information to assist with this evaluation.

The Grant Agreement will contain provisions supporting this evaluation process.  

Probity and general matters

We will make sure that the grant opportunity process is fair, incorporating appropriate safeguards against fraud, unlawful activities, and other inappropriate conduct.

Enquiries and feedback

Any questions or feedback you have regarding the Coastal Shipping Grant Program opportunity should be sent to [email protected]


Without limiting its rights whatsoever, We reserve the right, in our absolute discretion and at any time after release of these Guidelines and during the grant application, assessment and approval process, to:

  • Amend the structure, procedure, or timing of the application and/or assessment process.
  • Vary or amend the eligibility or assessment criteria without notification.
  • Request further information from an Applicant (including by way of interview or presentation).
  • Conduct our own due diligence investigations and draw on referee checks, outside expertise and prior knowledge, in conducting an assessment of any one or more applications.
  • Terminate or suspend the grant application, assessment and/or approval process at any time.
  • Conduct negotiations with any Applicant after applications have been submitted; and/or
  • Not provide reasons to any Applicant for any action or decision taken as part of this process. 

No legal relationship

The conduct of the application, assessment and approval process does not give rise to any legal or equitable relationship between Us and any Applicant or potential Applicant.

We may cancel or vary the application, assessment, and approval process at any time, whether before, on or after the closing date for applications. 

An applicant will not be entitled to claim compensation or loss from us for any matter arising out of the application, assessment, and approval process, or from the termination, suspension, or exclusion, from the grant application process.

We will have no obligation to pay any part of an approved grant unless and until a final Grant Agreement has been prepared, including all required details, and is executed by both parties.

Conflicts of interest

Any conflicts of interest could affect the performance of the grant opportunity or program. There may be a conflict of interest, or perceived conflict of interest, if any of MSQ's staff, any member of the assessment panel or advisor and/or You or any of Your personnel:

  • Has a professional, commercial, or personal relationship with a party who is able to influence the application selection process, such as a MSQ officer or member of the assessment panel.
  • Has a relationship with or interest in, an organisation, which is likely to interfere with or restrict the Applicants from carrying out the proposed activities fairly and independently; or
  • Has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation from which they will receive personal gain because the organisation receives a grant under a grant program / grant opportunity.

You will be asked to declare, as part of your application, any perceived or existing conflicts of interests or that, to the best of your knowledge, there is no conflict of interest. 

If you later identify an actual, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest, you must inform MSQ in writing immediately.

Assessment panel members and government staff, including the decision maker, must also declare any conflicts of interest.

Privacy statement

We collect an Applicant’s personal information for the purposes of:

  • Assessing the Applicant’s application.
  • Managing the Coastal Shipping Grant Program; and
  • Researching and reporting on grant programs. 

We (including our employees) may use and disclose the personal information provided in an application to third parties for these purposes, including:

  • Queensland government departments and agencies. 
  • Commonwealth government departments and agencies. 
  • Other state or territory government departments and agencies; and 
  • Non-government organisations.

We, or the responsible Minister, may publish grant recipient information on government websites or in media releases while publicising the outcomes of the Coastal Shipping Grant Program or the BQMJ Initiative. Published information may include business name, grant amount, suburb/postcode, and outcome details.

We will only use an Applicant’s personal information for these purposes. We will handle an Applicant’s personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. We will not otherwise use or disclose the information unless authorised or required by law. Applicants (including potential Applicants) may view the Queensland Government’s privacy guide.

No canvassing or collusive applications

We will make sure that the grant opportunity process is fair.

No canvassing

Applicants must not contact officers of MSQ with a view to obtaining information in respect of the application, assessment, or approval process, which is not publicly available or to enhance its prospect of being selected or shortlisted. Any unauthorised communication or approach by or on behalf of an Applicant to influence, or seek to influence, may, in our absolute discretion, lead to the exclusion of the Applicant from this process.

No collusive applications

Applicants must not collude or communicate with any competing application on any subject related to their application or the application process and must confirm with any external advisor that they are not advising any competing Applicant. Any Applicant found to have:

  1. used common advisors without first notifying MSQ; or
  2. discussed any aspect of their application with a competing Applicant may be excluded from assessment at MSQ's sole discretion.


These Guidelines are to be used as a guide only. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that these Guidelines are correct at the time of publication. State of Queensland accepts no responsibility and gives no warranty, guarantee or representation about the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, suitability or otherwise of the information contained in these Guidelines. State of Queensland expressly excludes legal liability in all jurisdictions concerning the use or reliance of any information contained in these Guidelines. Any direct or consequential loss or damage suffered because of reliance on this publication is the user’s sole responsibility. Persons using information contained in these Guidelines should conduct enquiries and rely on independent professional advice. This exclusion extends to all users and related parties who may suffer loss because of the use of information contained in these Guidelines and applies despite any negligence on the part of the State of Queensland.

Last updated
21 November 2024