Gladstone region

The Gladstone region continues to experience increasing levels of commercial vessel traffic due to:

  • new trades operating in the Port of Bundaberg
  • increasing volumes through the Port of Rockhampton at Port Alma
  • Cruise vessel activities to the Great Sandy Strait in the Port of Maryborough
  • 3 LNG terminals and an additional coal terminal commencing export operations in the Port of Gladstone.

This increase in volumes is in addition to the already busy mix of trade, commercial and recreational vessels operating in the region. The Standard for Commercial Marine Activities—Gladstone Region, has been introduced to enhance the safety of commercial vessel activities in the region and builds on the success of a previous Standard that applied only to Gladstone Harbour.

Compliance with the Standard ensures the Regional Harbour Master is aware of the commercial activities that are being undertaken in the region, allows VTS to monitor the activities and provides visibility of the activities for all users of the region's waterways. 

Last updated
24 January 2023