Maryborough pilotage area
The Maryborough pilotage area is the area of—
(a) waters bounded by an imaginary line drawn—
- starting at the high–water mark at a point where latitude 25º 06.90' south intersects with the eastern shoreline of the mainland
- then generally north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 24º 44.90' south, longitude 152º 45.06' east
- then east along the parallel of latitude 24º 44.90' south to its intersection with the high–water mark on the western shoreline of K’gari (formerly Fraser Island)
- then generally southerly along the high–water mark on the western shoreline of K’gari, and then generally northerly along the high–water mark on the eastern shoreline of K’gari to the intersection of that high–water mark with latitude 25º 46.31' south
- then along the parallel of latitude 25º 46.31' south to its intersection with longitude 153º 05.00' east
- then south along the meridian of longitude 153º 05.00' to its intersection with the high–water mark on the mainland
- then generally northerly along the high–water mark on the mainland to the starting point; and
(b) the navigable waters of rivers and creeks flowing, directly or indirectly, into the waters in paragraph (a).