Hay Point pilotage area
The Hay Point pilotage area is the area of—
(a) waters bounded by an imaginary line drawn—- starting at the high–water mark at the southern extremity of the north head of Bakers Creek entrance
- then generally north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 21° 10.76' south, longitude 149° 17.73' east
- then generally north-easterly along the geodesic to latitude 21° 09.91 south, longitude 149° 20.06' east
- then east along the parallel to latitude 21° 09.91' south, longitude 149° 30.06' east
- then south along the meridian to latitude 21° 17.91' south, longitude 149° 30.06' east
- then west along the parallel to the intersection of the high-water mark on the mainland with latitude 21° 17.91' south
- then generally northerly along the high-water mark on the mainland to the starting point; and
(b) the navigable waters of rivers and creeks flowing, directly or indirectly, into the waters in paragraph (a).