Port Procedures and Information for Shipping Manuals

Image of Australia
The state of Queensland has 24 pilotage areas described in Schedule 5 of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2016 (the Regulation). In these areas, the Regional Harbour Master has the authority to direct the master of a ship to navigate or operate a ship in a prescribed way.

There are 21 compulsory pilotage areas described in Schedule 6 of the Regulation where a person must not navigate a ship unless the person uses the services of a pilot.

Each pilotage area has a Port Procedures and Information for Shipping Manual that defines the standard procedures to be followed in the pilotage area of the port. It contains information and guidelines to assist masters, owners and agents of vessels arriving at and traversing the area. The manual provides details of services, regulations and procedures to be observed.

Mandatory sections of the Port Procedures and Information for Shipping Manuals are subject to Regional Harbour Master's directions under section 86 of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994. It is an offence not to comply with Regional Harbour Master's directions without a reasonable excuse.

Port procedures manuals

For information on other ports, contact the nearest Maritime Safety Queensland regional office.

Last updated
24 January 2023