Southport pilotage area

The Southport pilotage area is the area of— 
(a)  waters bounded by an imaginary line drawn—

  • starting at the high–water mark at the point where latitude 27º 39.90' south intersects with the eastern shoreline of the mainland
  • then due east to the high–water mark on the western shoreline of North Stradbroke Island at latitude 27º 39.90' south
  • then by the high water mark in a southerly direction along the western shoreline and in an easterly direction along the southern shoreline of North Stradbroke Island to the south-eastern tip of the island at approximate latitude 27º 43.64' south, longitude 153º 27.10' east
  • then to the high–water mark on the northern tip of South Stradbroke Island at approximate latitude 27º 45.29' south, longitude 153º 26.69' east
  • then in a southerly direction along the western shoreline and in an easterly direction along the southern shoreline of South Stradbroke Island to the seaward tip of the northern breakwater at the entrance to the Gold Coast Seaway
  • then in an easterly direction to latitude 27º 55.90' south, longitude 153º 27.06' east
  • then due south to latitude 27º 56.10' south, longitude 153º 27.06' east
  • then in a westerly direction to the seaward tip of the southern breakwater at the entrance to the Gold Coast Seaway
  • then by the high–water mark in a westerly direction along the northern shoreline and in a southerly direction along the western shoreline of The Spit and in a northerly direction along the eastern shoreline of the mainland to the starting point; and 

(b) the navigable waters of rivers and creeks flowing, directly or indirectly, into the waters in paragraph (a).

Southport pilotage/compulsory pilotage area chartlet.

Last updated
24 January 2023