Resizing text
You can make the text larger or smaller on this site, or on any website you visit by changing the settings on your computer.
To check which version of internet browser is installed on your machine:
- open your browser
- select 'Help' from the top menu of your browser
- select 'About' (followed by your browser name) from the drop down list.
The screen that comes up will display which browser and version you are using.
How to change the text size in:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
Select 'View', select 'Text Size' from the menu and choose a size from the options largest to smallest. - Mozilla Firefox
Select 'View', select 'Zoom' from the menu and choose 'Zoom In' or 'Zoom Out'. - Safari
Select 'Page' and select 'Zoom In' or 'Zoom Out' from the menu. - Chrome
Select the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar. Select 'Settings' then 'Show advanced settings'. In the 'Web Content' section, use the 'Page zoom' drop-down menu to adjust the zoom.